Friday, December 1, 2006

Life style


Some people never change, I guess.

It's been hardly a month since I came back from a month-long stay in an Ayurvedic hospital.For Cervical Disc Prolapse to I-don't-know-what-not?

It's quite unbelievable even for me to realise that I haven't taken a day off from work since we started the work three years before.

I was advised a life style change, less usage of laptop, more sleep and of course less stress! and if possible;move out of Bangalore to a much more healthy environment. Doctors were not really happy with me travelling to Europe immediately after the treatment, but there I was two days after the discharge!

Life style hasn't changed much as well.

I continue to work long hours (14-18 hours), Still end up taking more and more projects, and have started receiving warnings from friends again.This time it goes like this:

"Hey G, take care. No point in working yourself into a state that won't allow you to do what you want to...and I do know that you are so full of plans. So don't wear yourself out with sheer stress...Take a deep breath. And I am not joking...Ax"

At the least, I need to ensure that I go back home from work and not continue staying there for many nights together!

© GP 2006

1 comment:

  1. G,
    You better take it slowly..didn't know u hav been blogging until today sumesh forwarded the link. will catch up, hugs.Eliz
