Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The following post came to my mail box as a comment on "Survey of surprises" and I am taking the freedom to post the message from Marie Preston of the UK

"Though a resident of the UK, I have been in India for the last four years on and off. Since I work with a local NGO in Pune, I have been constantly coming across articles of sexual abuse and one of my interns pointed out to the discussions going on here. And today I have a newspaper report that might be interesting for you all. A news report by Vineeta Pandey in DNA (Daily News Analysis) of the 10th April 2007 says, "Half India's kids are abused"

"I don't know much about the survey methods and all, but when the Government itself comes out with a report that says 53 percent of the country's children are sexually assaulted, it is a matter of concern. But its also highly commendable that Government of India took the initiative to come out with this report. Quite laudable. BTW, considering some of the comments posted, this could also be interesting for your readers, the report says" Contrary to the belief that boys are safer, the survey established that out of the 69 percent of abused children, 54.68 percent were boys"!!So the concerns I see in the above comments about the "percentages" GP mentions is unfortunately vindicated. It could still be a coincidence, but I doubt."

Yes, it is sad to be vindicated on this, well, unfortunately I share my concerns with Marie. Thanks Marie for the posting.

Bangalore © GP 2007


  1. It is sad, whichever gender it is.. On the same day, April 10th, DeccanHerald(bangalore based daily) too had news about the survey "1 out of every 2 children sexually abused: study"

  2. 'concerns I see in the above comments about the "percentages" GP mentions is unfortunately vindicated' ??
    I didn't know 65=55= 80 as your personal surveys suggested.Do they count differently in UK?


  3. Mentioning our personal experiencs, and also a report that was brought out by the Government in this blog was to raise our concerns and not to sensationalise the issue. The report as Anonymous suggested, could be sensationalism to some extend, but the reason I mentioned it here, especially the issues of boys being sexually abused is because we could relate it and it is first time we are seeing something of this sort being addressed in public.

    BTW, Anonymous, if you are not the one who is ready to touch base with realities of destinations, you shouldn't be travelling. This is where you need to look at the difference between a tourist and a traveller.

  4. how an anybody indulge in meaningful tourism without travelling? does one need to do a background check on all destinations one travels to? you are painting the entire country as strife-torn,violence-escalating,predator(sexual etc.etc.)-ridden place where tourists should think more than a dozen times before coming


  5. truth be told,I always feel that you don't have the maturity that only years can bestow. Your topics are selected with the best of intentions but it comes across as the opinions of a over-zealous hot-head youngster.yah! yah! i know ,you are a thirties-something old man.To be considered a serious blogger,(by people other than the water-tights,the lizzys' & tharas,no offence meant $ should not be taken )you should be better researched about topics if you are planning on a serious blog rather than the usual run-of the-mill blogs that abound the net.
    you are doing a good job but
    make it better

